The Search for the Perfect RV

There are an overwhelmingly vast amount of different ways to go when deciding on an RV to purchase.   So, in order to make a decision it has taken us about a year to finally narrow the choices down.

Since we are planning to live full-time in the RV for three years or more, that also helped to narrow down the selection.  Here are the main considerations that we felt was a must have: king size bed, decent sized kitchen area with counter space, pantry, and plenty of storage space.  We wanted something in the 36 to 40 foot size.  These are monsters!  It also needed to have a living room with good theater seating across from the LED TV.  Gotta have your priorities.

Originally, we planned to go the Class A diesel pusher motor home route buying a used model 6-8 year old that would be within budget.  After some extensive searching, we found many units that were within budget, but just did not have all the desired features.  Motor homes are great for on the road traveling, with super visibility and convenient access to the restroom and kitchen, but would require pulling a small car behind for any local exploring.

Rearward View

Another downsize of motor home is a loss of usable space in the front driving area along with any lengthy drive train work and we lose our home for that time period.

Then we decided to go with a 5th wheel type pull behind trailer.  With these units, 36 to 40 feet, they would satisfy most of our wish list for features.  But would require the purchase of a large pickup truck to pull it.  5th wheel trailers have large slide outs and much more room than a class A.  They are about like a compact condo!

My next post will be to document the thought process in selecting a pull vehicle.  Today marks my 8 weeks remaining to work with 1 week actually being a vacation, so I guess you could say 7 work weeks left.  It still does not seem real at this point.  Working for the same company for 44 years.  It will be a transition.

Enjoy your day.

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