Our New Home

Pat with the new camper

Today (April 28th), we picked up our new home for the next 3+ years.  It is a 2018 Heartland Bighorn 3760EL 5th wheel camping trailer.  The day went actually very well after quite a bit of concern over some of the dealer caused issues.  We left the temp lodging at the Hampton Inn at about 7am for the longish trek to Danville, VA.  It takes just about 3 hours through some very rural though beautiful southern Virginia country.  It amazes me as you wind through the mountains and then all of a sudden you are surrounded by the stunning rolling hills with tobacco fields.  Quite a change of scenery.  I will miss Virginia.

Back to the RV pick up day.  When we arrived we could not find our sales guy so walked to the prep area and there she was.  We looked it over and all seemed to be in order.  There was an enormous amount of hustle and bustle going on.  This is one of the top RV volume dealers in the country.  In the tiny suburb of Danville, called Ringgold, VA.  Go figure.  But after much price checking, they do beat the others.

Finally, we had a couple of hours with a tech guy to do the walk through.  Very thorough.  It is mind boggling the amount of technical systems on board these RVs.  I did video tape the entire process, so will need to review these a few times.  We also spent abut a half hour with the hitching tech person.  Hooking up the trailer to the truck is not very difficult, but there is an exact process to do it correctly.  Safety first!

So after several delivery delays we picked up the camper and made the long drive back home again.  Lots to learn about it and much packing to be done within the very short time that we have possession of our house – until April 30th!  Yikes!

Me with the new Bighorn camper
Me on the back ladder inspecting roof

Update May 9th: the last 2 weeks have been a blur of activity to complete the move out from our sold home, clean it up, and move more stuff to storage and to the camper.  We were blessed that good friend Tammy helped during the last several days of seriously hard work.  More updates will be forthcoming soon…

Have a great day and God Bless

6 Replies to “Our New Home”

  1. LOL! It;s YUUUGGEEEE. Get that stepstool out Mama Pat! Love you both, keep posting pictures!!!!! Miss you awful ()()()()

  2. R and P,

    All very exciting. It will be nice to get the first 30 days under your belt and to get settled in your new home.

    I look forward to future postings of your adventure.


  3. Randy and Patricia, it’s so great that now you have your new life going. I’m very happy for you, and hope you really enjoy yourself the next several years. As you probably know I’m not much of a traveler compared to most members of the family. But I have been to Savannah, Georgia. That’s where Craig and Holly had their wedding on May 16, 2011. I liked Savannah. It’s a nice southern city. They were married at Fort Jackson. Be sure to check it out. I remember some very nice city parks too. Very nice to walk around or rent bikes. Lastly, be sure to check out Paula Deens restaurant. I remember it was very good. We all ate there, including Mom and Joe. You guys take care, and be safe. Alan

    1. Thanks for the nice comments Alan. This city would be an ideal place for a wedding and I’m glad your family was able to enjoy it. We have a few more days and may check out Paula Deens or else Mrs. Wilkes place.

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