Little Rock, AR #2 and other thoughts

We are continuing our 10 day stay at the Maumelle Park near Little Rock Arkansas.  This is a great location and one of our favorite parks so far.  It does not hurt that with our Senior America the Beautiful National Park passes we get 50% off camp fees.  A sweet package deal.

When will we settle down somewhere?

We are both still enjoying the RV travels and being blessed to see this great country of ours.  We talk occasionally about how we will know it is time to settle down.  I’m not sure.  Maybe when we have camped in all 49 states?  Maybe after 3 years.  I guess we will know when the time comes.  We know people who started out with a 3 year RV travel goal and are still going 7 years later.

Cruise Vacations

Several years ago, my perfect vacation was the Caribbean cruise.  We would drive to  Florida near Cape Canaveral, visit with my parents who lived nearby, and then when we climb aboard the cruise ship it is like being transported to some magic world.  I know it sounds kind of hokey, but when you board the ship you can relax and not have to plan meals, drive or find any activities.  It was just very relaxing.  Where do you get all the free food you can eat, and gourmet quality as well, plus non-stop entertainment, plus being able to get off and tour the islands.  We did about 15 cruises over the years.  Then became kind of tired of them.

Key West, FL

Then we planned a vacation to Key West, FL about 5 years ago and fell in love with it.  We thought it to be the perfect vacation place.  You find a way to get there, then you never have to drive while staying in the Old Town section.  Most all of the entertainment and restaurants are located there along a 1-mile strip or a just few streets away.  We have been to KW maybe 7 or 8 times over the last few years.  They have some of the best off shore fishing, water sports, many types of boat rides, hundreds of mostly great restaurants, and any given night perhaps 15-20 bars with live music.  All within walking distance from the hotel or better yet one of the many guest houses (bed and breakfast).  The best way to describe it is like a Caribbean tropical island that is within the US.

In all of our trips there we knew all the streets, best places to eat, best coffee, best mojitos, best music at night.  It was all perfect.  Expensive, yes, but the perfect place to relax.  Then we realized that in the last 15 years or so,  we really had not been to many of the other great places that our country has to offer.  So, not really bored with KW, but we have so much else to see it was time to expand our travels.  Combine our love of traveling and my being able to retire early with some RV experience, we knew what made sense.

I still follow a couple of daily blogs from Key West to keep up on the local news, so hope to get back one of these days.  The hurricane Irma destroyed most vegetation, but the structures on Key West survived okay.  The Island is back open again for tourist business.

We also follow about a dozen other blogs from other couples who are traveling full-time in RVs and boats.  You can learn a ton from their research and their mistakes.

So, to wrap this up, I am sure that at some future point in time, we will know when it is time to find another sticks & bricks home.  Not sure if we will get another house or maybe go the condo route with minimal upkeep required.  Another decision for another time.

In the evenings, we have been watching the Netflix series Stranger Things.  It takes place somewhere in Indiana and is an interesting, but scary sci-fi show.  Definitely keeps you coming back.  We have been almost through the first season in just this week.

Photos from the Little Rock Capital Building

Trish and I in front of the capital building. We signed up for an awesome hour long guided tour.
Inside by the state seal. The capital building was built over 16 years beginning in 1899. It was way over budget and became a political issue. But is beautiful with much marble and limestone throughout.  The stone came from Indiana, Colorado, and Arkansas.
One of the massive walkways up to the senate and/or house chambers.
Bronze doors. They are just ornamental now and have to be polished every week.
One of the chambers. They were not in session during our visit.
The state treasury’s vault. Someone left the door open. This door weighs 11 tons and was almost impossible to get to the building. They had to build a railroad just for this delivery.
This is a peek inside the states’s treasury. A couple of million, I think.
I made her put it all back. Or did she?  That is $400,000 in that stack.
We toured the oldest building in Arkansas, the Grog Shop or Pub.

Lunch was at the Flying Fish. Some great food.  They had one of the better ratings in town on Foursquare

Lunch was yummy
The Flying Fish has these “Billy Bass” singing fish that have been “adopted” by the restaurant with the donor’s name. How unique is that?  They were popular about 10-15 years ago and were given as gag gifts.  This place then later adopted these unloved signing fish.  How funny.

Enjoy you day and God Bless.

4 Replies to “Little Rock, AR #2 and other thoughts”

  1. I say travel and continue that plan. I think you will know when it’s time for the next phase. Just enjoy this opportunity.

  2. You will stop RVing when you get tired of it and I have no doubt you will know when the time comes. In the meantime, there is so much to see and experience so keep blogging and sharing your journey with us. You are a good writer, Randy. You should consider writing an RV blog and guide about places you visit. It would be helpful to others who are starting out. Sounds like others do it since you are learning from their experiences. We watched Stranger Things and it was good. There are lots of good series on netflex. That and Amazon is what we watch mostly now, very little network TV. Safe travels. Luv Lorna

    1. Thanks Lorna. Not sure about the quality of this blog, but it is an enjoyable hobby. Appreciate your comments. Be sure to see Longmire another Netflix series. The final season is about due out.

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