Boothbay Harbor Maine; Drive to Ocean Point

Yesterday (Saturday) we took a short drive to Ocean Point, sort of a suburb of Boothbay.  The drive on highway 96 was the perfect scenic tour of the real Maine.  Not many tourists, not commercial, just a narrow road that winds through the houses right at the rocky edge of the coast!

ocean point me
Our drive was only 18 miles round trip, but some breathtaking scenery.

We only found out about this cool drive by talking to an owner of one of the art galleries at the harbor.  He mentioned this as a must do along with another 4-5 things in the area.  So many things to do…

The road was very well paved, but very narrow, and very windy.  It wound down the jagged coastline between the rocks and the houses.  Our big dually truck just barely fit on the road.  When we met another car, one of us had to pull over if we could find a place.  Luckily, not much traffic was out here this morning.

The only way for me to describe it is to say this is how I had imagined Maine.  Lighthouses in the distance, large boulder strewn coast line, many New England style homes, and many boats tied up in the harbor and out moving about!

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A peaceful setting
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Neighbors must be trying to out do each other.
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A glance across the harbor.
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One of the houses right at the edge of the road and coast.  Look at that cool  upper balcony!

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ocean point me

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Pat out on the rocks
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The tide was coming in and over the 15 minutes that we were in this area, it was a noticeable change.

ocean point me

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